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Walking Dogs in Hot Weather: UK Guidelines and Bark & Lounge’s Commitment to Safe Practices- Your Trusted Wantage Dog Walker

Jul 18

3 min read




As the summer months heat up, ensuring the well-being of our canine companions during walks becomes paramount. Dogs are particularly vulnerable to high temperatures, and without proper precautions, a simple walk can quickly turn dangerous. In this blog post, we'll explore the UK guidelines for walking dogs in hot weather and highlight how Bark & Lounge, your reliable Wantage dog walker, exemplifies responsible dog walking practices.

Understanding the Risks

Dogs regulate their body temperature through panting and limited sweating through their paw pads. However, when temperatures soar, these mechanisms can be insufficient, leading to heat exhaustion or even heatstroke. Symptoms to watch for include excessive panting, drooling, lethargy, confusion, vomiting, and collapse. Immediate action is crucial if any of these signs appear, as heatstroke can be fatal.

UK Guidelines for Walking Dogs in Hot Weather

The UK's leading animal welfare organisations, such as the RSPCA, provide clear guidelines to ensure our pets stay safe during hot weather:

  1. Avoid the Hottest Parts of the Day: Walk your dog early in the morning or late in the evening when temperatures are cooler.

  2. Stay Hydrated: Always carry water and a portable bowl to keep your dog hydrated during the walk.

  3. Choose Shaded Routes: Opt for shaded paths and avoid open, sun-exposed areas.

  4. Test the Pavement: Place the back of your hand on the pavement for seven seconds. If it's too hot for your hand, it's too hot for your dog's paws.

  5. Monitor Your Dog: Keep an eye on your dog's behaviour and be ready to cut the walk short if they show any signs of overheating.

Bark & Lounge: Leading the Way in Safe Dog Walking in Wantage

At Bark & Lounge, your trusted Wantage dog walker, the safety and well-being of your furry friends are our top priorities. Here’s how we ensure responsible dog walking during hot weather:

  1. Flexible Scheduling: We offer walks during the cooler parts of the day, avoiding the midday heat. Early morning and late evening slots are always available.

  2. Hydration Stations: We are equipped with portable water bottles and bowls to ensure your dog stays hydrated throughout their walk.

  3. Shaded and Cool Routes: We carefully select walking routes that provide ample shade and grass to protect your dog’s paws from the hot pavement.

  4. Paw Protection: For days when the ground is still warm, we use protective dog booties to shield your dog’s paws from the heat.

  5. Health Monitoring: We can quickly recognise signs of heat stress and are prepared to take immediate action when necessary.

  6. Client Communication: We keep you informed about your dog's walk, including the duration, route taken, and any signs of discomfort observed.

Preparing for Summer Walks

While we do our utmost to ensure your dog's safety, there are steps you can take as an owner to prepare for hot weather:

  • Acclimate Gradually: Allow your dog to get used to warmer temperatures gradually.

  • Grooming: Regular grooming can help your dog stay cool by removing excess fur.

  • Cool Accessories: Invest in cooling mats, vests, and collars that can help regulate your dog’s body temperature.

Reliable Wantage Dog Walker - we also do pet sitting!

In addition to our highly rated dog walking services, Bark & Lounge is also a trusted pet sitter. We understand that hot weather affects all pets, not just dogs, and we take extra measures to ensure your pets are comfortable and safe indoors.

  • Temperature Control: We make sure your home is cool and well-ventilated, and we never leave pets in hot, confined spaces.

  • Regular Check-Ins: We check on your pets frequently, ensuring they have fresh water and are showing no signs of heat stress.

  • Play and Comfort: We engage in gentle play and provide plenty of cozy, cool spots for your pets to relax.

Walking dogs in hot weather requires diligence, care, and a commitment to safety. By following the UK guidelines and choosing a responsible Wantage dog walker like Bark & Lounge, you can ensure your furry friend enjoys their summer walks without risking their health. Remember, a little precaution goes a long way in keeping our canine companions happy and healthy during the hotter months.

For more information about our services and how we can help keep your dog safe this summer, contact me today on 07491995649 or email at At Bark & Lounge, we’re more than just dog walkers and pet sitters – we’re your partners in pet care. If you need a reliable Wantage pet sitter or a trustworthy Wantage dog walker, look no further than Bark & Lounge!

Jul 18

3 min read





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