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Group Dog Walks: Finding the Perfect Fit for Your Furry Friend

Tash - Owner of Bark & Lounge

3 min read

Jun 23




Group of dogs on a sunny walk

As a dedicated dog walker at Bark & Lounge, I have the privilege of spending my days exploring the beautiful trails, parks and fields of Wantage and the surrounding villages with a variety of canine companions. One of the most rewarding experiences is seeing dogs enjoy group walks, where they can socialise, play, and explore together. However, not every dog thrives in a group setting. Understanding whether group walks suit your dog is crucial for their happiness and well-being.

The Benefits of Group Dog Walks

Group dog walks offer numerous advantages, especially for social and energetic dogs. Here are some key benefits:

  1. Socialisation: Dogs are naturally social creatures. Group walks provide an excellent opportunity for them to interact with other dogs, which can help improve their social skills and reduce anxiety around other animals.

  2. Exercise: Group walks can be more stimulating and exciting than solo walks. Dogs can play and run together, ensuring they get plenty of physical activity.

  3. Mental Stimulation: The varied dynamics of a group walk, with different dogs and new smells, can provide great mental stimulation, keeping your dog mentally sharp and engaged.

  4. Fun and Play: Many dogs simply enjoy the company of their peers. Group walks can be a lot of fun, turning a routine walk into an adventure.

Ideal Candidates for Group Walks

While group walks can be fantastic, they are not suitable for every dog. Here are some traits that indicate a dog might thrive in a group setting:

  1. Friendly and Social: Dogs that enjoy the company of other dogs and people are great candidates. They typically greet new dogs with a wagging tail and an open, friendly demeanour.

  2. Well-Behaved: Dogs that have basic obedience training and respond well to commands can thrive in a group, as they are more manageable in a multi-dog setting.

  3. Energetic: High-energy dogs often benefit from the extra playtime and activity that come with group walks.

  4. Confident: Dogs that are confident and not easily intimidated by other dogs are usually comfortable in a group environment.

Dogs That Might Struggle with Group Walks

Conversely, some dogs might find group walks challenging or stressful. Here are a few indicators that group walks might not be the best fit:

  1. Aggressive or Reactive: Dogs that show aggression or reactivity towards other dogs can pose a safety risk and may not be suitable for group walks.

  2. Anxious or Fearful: Dogs that are anxious or fearful around other dogs might not enjoy group walks and could become stressed.

  3. Poor Recall: Dogs that don't respond reliably to recall commands can be difficult to manage in a group, especially in open park settings.

  4. Health Issues: Dogs with certain health problems or mobility issues might struggle to keep up with the pace of a group walk.

Finding the Right Fit for Your Dog

At Bark & Lounge, we understand that every dog is unique. Our initial assessment helps us determine whether a group walk or a solo walk is the best fit for your furry friend. We carefully consider their temperament, energy levels, and any specific needs they may have.

If you're considering group walks for your dog, we encourage you to get in touch with us. We can arrange a meet-and-greet to see how your dog interacts with others and ensure they are comfortable and happy in a group setting.


Group dog walks can be a wonderful experience for the right dogs, providing socialisation, exercise, and plenty of fun. However, it's essential to consider your dog's individual personality and needs. At Bark & Lounge, we're here to help you make the best choice for your pet, ensuring they receive the care and attention they deserve.

Feel free to contact us on 07491995649 or to discuss your dog's suitability for group walks or to learn more about our personalised pet care services. Let's make every walk a joyous adventure for your furry friend!

Tash - Owner of Bark & Lounge

3 min read

Jun 23




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